Stress is a common place in our hectic, busy lives. Is your health being affected by stress? Do you often feel anxious, worried, depressed, irritable, exhausted, overloaded or forgetful? Do you suffer from stiff or sore muscles or joints, tension headaches, high blood pressure, frequent colds or the flu? Or do you have irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers, an increase or loss of appetite, or worsening of an existing illness or condition? If you answered “yes” to one or more of these questions, your body may be overburdened by stress.

5 Top Stress Busting Tips
Lessen your stress load by practising the following stress busting strategies:
1. Rest and Relaxation: Engage in relaxation techniques such as tai chi, yoga, and meditation.
2. Think Positive: A good attitude and positive outlook is fundamental for de-stressing. You can start with creating some positive affirmations that resonate with you.
3. Exercise: Exercise is a brilliant form of stress relief it encourages the release of feel good endorphins. Waling is great because it grounds you energetically and gets you out of your head.
4. Indulge Yourself: Enjoy a well-deserved massage or some other blissful treatment. Make sure you make time for you!
5. Eat Healthy Foods: Eat a diet abundant in fresh, brightly coloured fruits and vegetables. Consume protein with meals and snacks, and enjoy foods high in essential fatty acids such as oily fish, nuts and seeds. Minimise your intake of caffeine, energy drinks, sugar, alcohol and processed foods as these will contribute to fatigue in the long-term.