In a simplistic view, you could say that the cause of being overweight and obese is overeating and moving too little. However, we know that it is much more complex than that, and metabolic drivers can compound the situation. Some of the metabolic drivers of overweight and obesity are:
Insulin resistance
Insulin resistance can be caused by eating foods too high in sugar or genetic issues with blood sugar metabolism. Insulin resistance can cause high fasting blood sugar, increased fat storage and obesity.
Treatment can include high protein/low carb diets and nutrients such as chromium, magnesium, vitamin B3, and lipoic acid to support blood glucose.
Fat tissue causes increased inflammation and oxidative stress in the body. This inflammation, hypertension, and high blood lipids can cause further cardiovascular issues.
Treatment includes decreasing stress which is inflammatory and dietary changes such as increasing fruit, vegetables and whole grains and eating more fish in the diet to increase omega-3 fatty acids.
Vitamin D deficiency
Those who are overweight and obese are more likely to have lower vitamin D levels. Higher vitamin D levels may increase thermogenesis which increases fat burning.
Treatment includes getting out in the sun for 20 minutes per day (away from the middle of the day) can boost vitamin D levels.
Toxicity and the microbiome
A healthy and balanced microbiome can aid in weight loss and maintenance. Endotoxin produced from “bad” bacteria in the gut elevates fatty acids and causes insulin resistance.
Treatment includes prebiotic and probiotic foods, such as leek, sauerkraut, miso, psyllium husk, slippery elm, yoghurt, and the right probiotics.
Thyroid hormones can affect metabolic health, and hypothyroidism (low thyroid function) can decrease metabolism and increase fat storage. Lowered thyroid function can even happen when the thyroid looks essentially normal on blood tests but has a suboptimal function.
Medication may be essential depending on the thyroid levels. The natural treatment consists of stress reduction and dietary changes such as increasing iodine food sources like seaweed and iodised foods and supplementation with zinc, selenium, B vitamins, and iron.
Cortisol is a stress hormone that causes an increase in visceral adiposity (fat deposition around the waist) and insulin resistance. Cortisol increases appetite and may cause muscle breakdown. Stress in some people can also promote binge eating (emotional eating). Furthermore, lack of sleep from stress can promote weight gain.
There are many different and effective treatments for stress, including lifestyle measures such as meditation, breathing exercises and increased physical activity, cognitive behavioural therapy, positive affirmations, a healthy and balanced diet and supplements like B vitamins, magnesium, herbal medicine and certain amino acids.