Mould produces toxins that are harmful to human health. Many locations around Australia have had increased mould this year due to the wet conditions and water-damaged buildings. Those with poor immune defences are particularly susceptible. Studies have found that mould-affected housing is linked to: · Mainly wheezing, cough, asthma, and respiratory illnesses · Other symptoms like allergy, gastrointestinal symptoms, mood changes, depression and pain · A condition called “sick building syndrome" a biotoxin illness causing asthma, gastrointestinal disturbances, dry skin, sensitivity to odours, and neurotoxic effects.
There is a condition called chronic inflammatory response syndrome, which is linked to mould toxicity and can present symptoms like hay fever, sinusitis and post-nasal drip or, in more severe cases, memory difficulties, fatigue, cognitive impairment, muscle weakness and pain. Things to look out for and avoid are: · Black mould on surfaces both seen and hidden · Mould growing on shoes and leather goods · Areas of poor ventilation, especially wet areas such as the bathroom · Mould growing on furniture and walls · A musty odour Treatment for mould toxicity can include and is not limited to:
· N-acetyl-cysteine · St Mary’s Thistle · Vitamin C · Zinc · Probiotics · Vitamin D · Curcumin · Omega 3
Specific detoxification protocols for mould exist, and treatment can range from 3 months to years depending on the severity of the complaint.