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Busting Christmas and Holiday Stress


Christmas should be a fun-filled time and a chance to catch up with family. However, it can often be stressful, trying to finish off work, racing around to get presents, travelling interstate, and preparing large family lunches. The Christmas rush is stressful!


Here are my Christmas tips to decrease the stress:

1.    Prepare early. Instead of running around at the last minute to get presents and food or organising travel, aim to get this done as early as possible. That will take the stress off getting everything done at the last minute. 

  1. Delegate. Whatever you can to whomever you can. Give your partner, family members or children specific tasks. Try to make it fun! Kids love to make presents, decorate and be included.

3.    Get everyone to bring a plate. If Christmas lunch is at your house, ask different family or friends members to bring a course or dish to take the stress off you doing it all yourself. It’s going to make it more enjoyable for you.

4.    Let someone else do the washing up. Make sure that you let others help, whether it is the washing up or whatever they offer. You don’t need to do everything yourself.

5.    Take time out to enjoy the day. Make sure you can sit back, relax and have time to unwind during the day.


Whatever you do this holiday season, have some fun. Here are my tips to ease your way out of the end of the year and into a new one:

·       Take some time out to do whatever makes your heart sing

·       Practice mindfulness, meditation and deep breathing 

·       Take care of yourself with plenty of sleep, healthy food and drink lots of water

·       Don’t plan too much, as you want to have time just to do what feels good on the day

·       Be responsible with alcohol and food

·       Spend time with people you enjoy being around

·       Agree to disagree and respect differences with family and friends

·       It’s ok to say no and turn down invitations to honour some time out for yourself

·       Honour the wins and losses of the year

·       Prepare yourself to bring in the New Year.


I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season full of laughter and joy!

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