1. Motivation – keep the reason you want to lose weight in mind.
Everyone has a reason – this is usually things like:
Feel better about myself
Have more energy
Be fitter
Feel good
Look good
Be happier!
2. Goals - keep your goal in mind. It’s essential to set a plan and stick to it.
Common goals are:
Lose 10kg
Look great at my daughter’s wedding
Please get back to my old weight where I feel good
Lose 5kg
Fit into my old skinny jeans
3. Diet – get a diet that works for you and is sustainable. There is no point doing a diet that you know you cannot sustain.
Typical diets that work are:
Wellness diet – balanced diet for well being
Meal plans – these are specific to you
Balanced diets – balancing macronutrients like protein, carbs and fats – works well for people who have odd work hours and don’t have routines
Low carb – works for people who crave carbs and tend to stack on weight eating rice, pasta, bread, etc.
High protein – works well for people who have used them in the past with success
4. Exercise – work out what sort of exercise you enjoy doing and do that. There is no point in trying something that you do not enjoy.
Everyday activities that work and have success are:
Walking – if you walk at least 20 minutes per day, 5 days a week, this will work
Biking riding – 3 shorter 20-minute rides per week or 2 longer hour ones
Swimming – 3 times per week around 1km each time
HITT training – you can set up a short HITT circuit in your house, and you only need to do 20 minutes 3x per week
The gym – if it floats your boat! At least 3 times per week with a mix of cardio and weights
5. Happiness! – whatever you do, make sure you are happy doing it! Make sure whatever you incorporate into your life you enjoy.
Ways to enjoy your weight loss journey:
Team up with a friend or family member and do it together
Exercise with a friend
Write a gratitude journal
Make sure you do one fun thing per week
There are several weight loss programs available. Check out the weight loss programs page on my website at https://www.deborahjohnnaturopathy.com.au/weight-loss-program