More than 35% of Australians have metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a collection of symptoms predisposing a person to diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The symptoms that make up metabolic syndrome are high: blood lipids, blood glucose, blood pressure and waist circumference.
Having just one of these symptoms does not mean you have metabolic syndrome; a person has metabolic syndrome if they have a collection of three of these symptoms:
· Elevated triglycerides, cholesterol or low HDL
· Elevated fasting blood glucose
· Blood pressure ≥130/85
· Waist >88 cm for women or >101cm for men
The underlying cause of the metabolic syndrome is a sedentary lifestyle, being overweight or obese and a genetic predisposition. A higher waist measurement indicates increased abdominal fat and a dangerous build-up of fat around the internal organs. This fat causes increased inflammation, poor blood glucose control and insulin resistance. Over time, insulin resistance causes vascular damage and cardiovascular disease and may cause diabetes.
Treatment for metabolic syndrome includes modifiable lifestyle factors such as exercise and diet. Many healthy diets can aid in decreasing high blood lipids and blood pressure and balance blood glucose.
Some diets that may help are:
· The Mediterranean diet – lowers blood pressure, blood lipids and improves insulin sensitivity
· The DASH diet – lowers blood pressure
· The Portfolio diet – lowers blood lipids
Different diets suit some more than others and can depend on food preferences, cultural considerations and family eating patterns. A loss of just 5% of a person’s body weight can significantly affect health by lowering risk factors for metabolic syndrome and aid in assisting longevity.