Digestion issues can affect daily functioning and quality of life. Many individuals suffer from persistent or recurrent episodes of diarrhoea. Studies have found that 6.4% of Australians report diarrhoea in the past month, and the prevalence is higher in females.
Some causes of chronic diarrhoea include but are not limited to:
· A parasitic infection – this can be common in those who have recently travelled overseas
· Dysbiosis – an imbalance of the good and bad bacteria in the gut
· Coeliac Disease – a severe autoimmune disease of the intestinal cells reacting to gluten
· Irritable bowel syndrome – which can be associated with predominant diarrhoea or bouts of alternating constipation and diarrhoea
· Inflammatory bowel disease – due to either Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn’s Disease
· Lactose intolerance – a reaction to the lactose in dairy
· Fructose malabsorption – the inability to absorb fructose in foods
· Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth – overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine, more commonly the hydrogen-predominant species
· Medications – some medications can irritate the bowel
· Endocrine disorders – such as hyperthyroidism that speed up metabolism
· Food intolerances – some foods can cause diarrhoea in sensitive individuals
· Bowel cancer – in some cases
It is important to get diarrhoea diagnosed and treated. Persistent diarrhoea can disrupt electrolytes in the body and cause dehydration, poor absorption of vitamins and nutrients in food and medications.
Diarrhoea may be due to a disrupted microbiome or food intolerances. There is integrative testing available to determine the cause of the diarrhoea. Microbiome analysis can look at the balance between the good and bad bacteria in the body. Breath tests can determine conditions like fructose malabsorption, lactose intolerance and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Other conditions can be determined through a simple stool or blood test, and some food intolerances through a diet diary.
Treatment depends on the findings of these tests. However, some common naturopathic and nutritional ways to start supporting digestion include using an appropriate probiotic, gut powders to decrease inflammation in the gut and herbal medicine can also aid in calming and supporting digestion.
Naturopaths are skilled at aiding you in identifying the cause of diarrhoea and treating your gut so that you can have quality and life.